Individual Christian Travel

As an single Christian joining one of our Christian travel groups you will be made to feel most welcome. We can put you in touch with the group leader who will be more than willing to answer any questions and talk you through the itinerary.

All our Christian tours are not necessarily made up of travellers from one area, but from all over the country and even the world!

Some of our groups have a ‘get together’ before departure so everyone on the group can meet and get to know each other.

If you would like to share a room we will endeavour to find another person for you to share with and we can put you in contact with each other before travel.

Our Christian faith tours and holidays are about making new friends and enjoying fellowship with like-minded people.

Image of person enjoying the view


“Just a short note to say that we are all back home safely after a fantastic time in Israel and Petra.
Thank you to you and your staff for setting the tour up and for all your help and attention to detail.”

Eric & Jill Palmer

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